The Dashboard houses the Manage Events Overview and graph reporting, providing live data relating to your sales.
The side menu allows you to quickly move around creating, reporting and managing your event. Through the Dashboard side menu you can:
- Create new events
- Clone events
- Generate Reports
- Manage Bookings; Make a booking, Find a booking, Move a booking, Edit a Booking, and Refund & Void bookings
- Create Templates; Homepage, Venue, Pricing group, Data collection and Ticket style templates
- Manage and create Gift Certificates
- Access Marketing tools; Widgets and Event listings
- Manage teams
- Manage Banking; link your Bank Account and Transfer funds
The central section of the Dashboard provides you with a snapshot and a summary of the events you have on and their ticket sales. You can access the same summary for Past and Archived events.

Manage Event Dashboard
Clicking on the Event Name under Manage Events Overview will take you to the Event Management Dashboard, allowing you to access the event for editing and enabling additional features.
Through the Management Event side menu, you can:
- Add images and format the event homepage; Homepage and images
- Update the event description and contact details; Event name and Contact
- Add and edit Session times and Booking dates
- Booking start and end times
- Update the Venue details
- Create custom forms; Data collection
- Add and edit Prices and Promotions; Pricing Group (ticket prices)
- Set and edit Capacities and Limits
- State Terms and conditions
- Enable and notify the Waitlist
- Enable Donations alongside your ticket sales
- Make the event private and password protected
- Access options for promoting and sharing your event; Widgets, URL's, and tracking
- Set up Producers access
- Communication tools such as follow-up and email buyers
- Enable Booking Notifications
The central section of the Manage Event Dashboard provides you with:
- The option to Preview your event as a ticket buyer
- Quick access to the direct URL for your event
- The first 10 session times set, including their Booking Start and End Dates
- Summary of Sales
- The last 10 Transactions on the event
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