E-Tickets are automatically emailed to attendees after booking. As well as being easy to print, they can be presented on a mobile device or tablet for entry. They integrate perfectly with the scanning app, allowing for quick validation upon entry.
Should your event not require a ticket to be present for entry, you may wish to consider turning off the E-tickets.
This article covers:
- The default ticket style
- Creating custom tickets
- Adding custom tags linked to data collection
- Inserting images
The default ticket style
When going through Create New Event, the default ticket style is automatically applied to the new event created.
The default ticket style contains the following information:
- Event name
- Venue name and address
- Date and time
- Ticket type and price
- Booking name (should the system attendee name fields be enabled on the event, this will automatically update to the Attendee details)
- Section
- Seat number (shown for Seat events only)
- Door for entry (shown for Seat events only)
- QR code
- Barcode with the unique ticket number
Each ticket issued will be accompanied by TryBooking's terms and conditions, along with the Event Organiser's terms and conditions.
To view the tickets style on your event:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click on your event
- From the left menu, click Pricing group (ticket prices)
- Click the name of your pricing group
- Scroll down to Ticket style
- Click View Ticket Style
You are provided with two views; one for a general admission(space) event and one for an allocated seating (seat) event. One ticket style will be issued to the ticket buyer based on the allocation type set on your event at the section.
As the ticket style contains tags that displays information based on what the ticket buyer enters and selects at the time of booking, example text will populate these fields for this view eg. Family (1 of 4) $100, will be replace with the name of ticket selected and the value you have set on that ticket.
Creating custom tickets
Custom ticket styles allow for inserting custom data fields, changing the format and renaming the default field labels.
Where possible, it is highly recommended that you keep the tags in place (the text in square brackets). This will ensure that what the customer has selected at the time of booking pulls through correctly on to their ticket issued.
To create your own custom ticket styles:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Click Templates and then Ticket style templates
- Click Add. You will be taken through to the ticket style editor that provides you with the Default ticket style layout
- Give your style a name
- From Set as default, indicate whether you would like this style to be the new default style on your account.
- If set to True it will be automatically assigned to any new events created
- If set to False it will need to be manually assigned to the events required
- Customise to your requirements using the editor
If you are using mobile scanning or Gatekeeper at your event, we recommend that you do not delete or move the tags [BARCODE] and [QRCODE]. Depending on where your event is taking place, you may also be required to display certain information on your tickets, like price.
With your custom ticket style created, you will need to assign it to the event you wish to have it applied to.
To assign a custom ticket to an event:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click on your event
- From the left menu, click Pricing group (ticket prices)
- Click the name of your pricing group
- Scroll down to Ticket style
- From the ticket style drop-down menu, select the name of your custom ticket
- Click Save
Adding custom tags linked to data collection
If you have set up custom fields in Data Collection, you can link this information with your ticket style to pull through the data entered by the ticket buyer. This is achieved by creating a custom tag and inserting the tag into a custom ticket style.
To create the custom tag:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click on your event
- From the left menu, click Data collection, under Additional information
- Click into the field that you wish to pull through on to the ticket
- Enter a field name. This will be your custom tag
- Field name can only contain letters, numbers and underscores
- Field name should be in upper case
- Field name should be unique for each event you're running
- Field names cannot be the same as the tags already in the system. For a full list, click here
- Click Save and close
To insert this custom field in your ticket style:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Click Templates and then Ticket style templates
- Select your ticket style (or add a new style)
- Type the field name of your custom field in the space you want the information to appear on your ticket, ensuring you enclose the field name with square brackets. For example, if your field name is DIETARY_REQUIREMENTS, you would write this as [DIETARY_REQUIREMENTS] on your ticket
- Click Save
- Assign the ticket style to your event
Tags with defined field names in your data collection without information during booking and tags without corresponding field names will be displayed as blank on the ticket. Tags with an incorrect format will be hidden and tags containing white spaces will be displayed as text on the ticket.
Inserting images
Uploading the image into the background of the ticket is the best method to ensure the ticket format is not affected.
Before uploading, using an image editor, you will need to create a new .jpg file for the image to sit on. This ensures that the image uploaded fits the dimensions of the ticket (624x264 pixels) and the desired image is not distorted.
Preparing your image for uploading
For adding a logo:
- Use a graphics program (GIMP, Photoshop etc) to create a .jpg file that measures 624 x 264 pixels with a white or transparent background
- Insert the desired image
- Using the default ticket style as a guide, adjust its placement and size. Take into account where text will be present, ensuring that the image will not obscure important data.
- Save the file ensuring that is it is less than 30kb in size
For adding a watermark or background image:
- Use a graphics program (GIMP, Photoshop etc) to create a .jpg file that measures 624 x 264 pixels with a white or transparent background
- Insert the desired image
- Adjust its placement and size so that it is centred on the canvas.
- Add a new layer with a white fill
- Adjust Opacity of the new layer, so that your desired image starts to come through. As the ticket text will display over the image, it is important that background image is faded out enough to ensure that it won't obscure the text. Darker images will need to be faded out considerably
- Save the file ensuring that is it is less than 30kb in size
Uploading the prepared image
To upload within the event:
- From the events dashboard, go to Pricing groups (ticket prices)
- Click on the pricing group you want to add the background to
- Scroll down to Ticket style and click Choose file. Select the prepared file from your computer
- Click upload
Make sure you preview your ticket by clicking View Ticket. If your ticket information is obscured or lost due to the image used, you may need to re-prepare the image file adjusting the size and placement.
This method must be used if the default ticket style is selected.
To upload directly into the custom ticket style:
- In the ticket style editor, click
to bring up the image inserter
- In the Upload tab, click choose file and select your background image
- Click Add image to your page
- In the Image info tab, you will see a line of code in the URL field. Copy this code
- Click Cancel. If prompted, click OK
- Click
to bring up the source code
- On your keyboard, press Ctrl + F and search for [BACKGROUND]
- Replace [BACKGROUND] with the file path you copied in step 5. Make sure you leave the quotation marks on either side of the path
- Click
again to return to the main editor
Make sure you preview your ticket by clicking Preview Ticket. If your ticket information is obscured or lost in the background image.
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