Email Buyers is an easy way to send emails to all registered buyers to your event.
Perfect for sending event reminders with tickets attached, important event information, event changes, or providing online event links. You control the content and schedule for the send.
Bookings that have been voided will not receive the emails sent via Email Buyers.
This article covers:
- Who can I send emails to?
- How to create and send emails
- Add personalised shortcuts
- Edit, disable, or delete Email Buyers
- Email Templates
- Email Send Log
Who can I send emails to?
The Email Buyers tool will only send messages to the person who made the booking, using the email address entered for their booking. It is to be used to communicate with your customers directly about the event that they have purchased tickets to.
You will be able to segment these emails by Session Time and/or Section, allowing for information to be provided specific to their booking/purchase.
Bookings that have been voided will not receive the emails sent via Email Buyers. It will only go to those that have valid bookings for the Sessions or Sections selected.
Can I use this feature to send out invitations and Marketing Campaigns?
This feature cannot be used to send emails to an external database for event invitations. Nor should it be used for promotional or marketing purposes.
Using this tool for marketing campaigns may see you infringing on anti-spam laws. It can also see your customers missing out on important information related to your event or their booking, as it will increase the likelihood of them unsubscribing from these sends.
If you want to email your patrons marketing materials using your own email system, you can download all customers email addresses using the Custom Report. It is important that you take into consideration the customers preference for Permission to Contact.
How to create and send emails using Email Buyers
To create, draft, send or schedule emails:
- From the Dashboard, click on the name of your event, under the Manage Event Overview
- From the left menu, click Email Buyers, under Emails (Communication)
- Click New Email
- Fill in the Sender Details:
- Name of Sender: Can reflect your organisation name, event name or the name of the person the email is signed off by
Reply to email: Should your customer click reply to the email sent, this is the email address will be the recipient of the replies. You will be able to select from the list active Team Members on your account (by using the dropdown field), or add an email that is not that of a Team Member (by clicking ).
If you have opted to add a new email address, a 6 digit verification code will be sent to email address entered to confirm it is an active address. You will need to enter this code in Verification Code field displayed, and click Verify to complete the add -
Subject: Enter in the subject line of the email as it will appear in the recipient's inbox
- Under Email content, craft your email copy using the text editor
Use Tags to help personalise your email, see: Add personalised shortcuts - Choose whether you would like to include a copy of the customer's tickets and/or receipt as attachments in the email
- Select who you from the event you would like to receive this email:
- All Bookings: Will send to all bookings on the event, regardless of the session or section booked
Selected Bookings: Will allow you to send to selected Sessions and/or Sections
- In Delivery Time, select when you would like it to be sent. You will have the following options to select from:
- Send Now, will send immediately after you click on Schedule
- Whenever a booking is made (follow up email), sent in conjunction with the system confirmation email
- 2 days before event
- 1 day before event
- 2 hours before event
- 1 hour before event
- Custom, you select a specific date and time
- Click Schedule or Send Now* to save and activate the Delivery Time
*Send Now will only be present for emails with the Delivery Time set to Send Now
TIP: Use the Send a Test option to receive a copy of the email to the inbox of your username
Add personalised shortcuts with Tags
Tags allow you to personalise your email message by drawing on your event and buyer information.
You will have the option to choose from Tags that relate to Event, Booking and Custom Form questions (that have been set to 'Ask one per booking'- questions asked per Ticket will not be available as tags).
To add a Tag into your email copy, you can either:
- Select from the text editor menu item:
OR - Using your keyboard, type an open square bracket and a dropdown menu of available Tags will display for you
Edit, disable, or delete Email Buyers
Whether you have saved an email as a draft, or have scheduled to activate the Delivery Time, you will have the option to edit, disable or delete emails created.
If the Delivery Time has already taken place, these options will not be available.
To Edit Disable or Delete an email set:
- From the Dashboard, click on the name of your event, under the Manage Event Overview
- From the left menu, click Email Buyers, under Emails (Communication)
- Next to the email you wish to apply the action to click on the 3 dots to the right of the email
- Select the desired action from the dropdown menu
Email Templates
Should you run events where you would like the same set of communications to go out, for example reminders or thank you's for attending, Email Templates can save you time and standardise your content.
Uploading a template creates a copy in the event that is separate from the original template. This allows you to customise further without affecting the original template, or emails that have been applied to other events by the template.
This section will cover:
Creating Email Templates:
You will have two options for creating an Email Template:
Convert an existing email into an Email Template
- From your account Dashboard, under the Manage Event Overview, click on the name of the event that contains the Email you wish to convert to a template
- From the left menu, click Email Buyers, under Emails (Communication)
- Next to the email you wish to create as a template, click on the 3 dots to the right of the email
- Select Save as template from the dropdown menu
- Give the template a name, and click Save
Create an Email Template from scratch
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Templates then click Email templates
- Click Create Template
- Give you template a name, and fill out the remaining fields to create the email
- Click Save
Uploading an Email Template into your Event
Once your account has Email Templates added, you will be able to upload it into an event.
To upload an email Template into your event:
- From the Dashboard, click on the event name, under the Manage Event Overview
- From the left menu, click Email Buyers, under Emails (Communication)
- Click New Email
- You will now have a Select Template field, where you can select the email template you wish to upload. This will pre-populate the fields that are included on the template. You will then have the option to edit these fields should you choose
- Select who you from the event you would like to receive this email:
- All Bookings: Will send to all bookings on the event, regardless of the session or section booked
- Selected Bookings: Will allow you to send to particular Sessions and/or Sections for the send
- In Delivery Time, select when you would like to send be sent
- Click Schedule or Send Now* to save and activate the Delivery Time
*Send Now will only be present for emails with the Delivery Time set to Send Now
Edit or Delete an Email Template
You will be able to edit or delete an email template at any point in time. This will not affect events that have already had the template uploaded in. Uploading a template into the event creates a copy that is separate from the original template.
Should you need to edits made to carry across to the events that have already had the template uploaded, you will need make these edits to the email within the event.
To edit or delete an Email Template:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Templates then click Email templates
- Next to the email you wish to apply the action to click on the 3 dots to the right of the email
- Select the desired action from the dropdown menu
Email Send Log
On the Email Buyers landing page, under the Sent column you will see an accurate view of how many emails have been successfully sent out of the number of recipients selected for the send:
This figure will auto update as the send is carried out. On average, it can take up to 10 minutes for the system to process and complete the send. However, this will be determined by the volume of recipients. Click refresh on your browser to see the latest update.
Once the send has completed, should the figure in the Sent column indicates only X number out of the number of recipients been have sent, it will mean that not all sends were successful.
You will be able to see which recipients had the email send successfully via the Send Log.
To access the Send Log:
- From your account Dashboard, under the Manage Event Overview, click on the name of the event that contains the Email you wish view the send log for
- From the left menu, click Email Buyers, under Emails (Communication)
- To the right of the email, click on the 3 dots
- Select Email Log from the dropdown menu
- Here you will find a list of all recipients that will confirm if the send was successful and the delivery time
- You can use the Search field to locate a particular customer by entering their email address. This email address needs to match what is on their booking
The Status field will confirm whether the email was sent successfully.
Status | Definitions |
Scheduled | Processing send |
Sent | Sent and received by the recipient's email client |
Bounced | Response from the recipient's mail server or provider telling the sender that an email wasn’t delivered. E.g. Email address doesn't exist, recipient has previously reported emails sent from our domain as spam, full inbox etc. |
Unsubscribed | Recipient has unsubscribed from correspondence to your event. This can be actioned via the footer of the emails they have received about your event (including the confirmation email). Whilst you are not able to re-subscribed them, they can re-subscribe themselves. They will need to locate their original confirmation email and click on the Unsubscribe link in the footer. This will give them an option to re-subscribe |
Rejected | Rejected by the recipient's mail server, unable to complete the send |
The logs confirm the email was sent; however my customer is reporting it wasn't received
When an email is sent from our system, we get confirmation that the email was received by the recipient's email client. These will have will have Status of Sent next to the recipient's email address. However, it can still mean that this email potentially wasn't accessible in the recipient's inbox.
It could be that the email went to their Junk/Spam folder, which may have also have auto delete filters in place.
Email clients are also getting smarter at being able to detect automated emails, and are doing their utmost to protect their users from Spam and phishing attempts. Some have strict email filters that will prevent these emails from reaching the user's inbox (and Spam / Junk folders) even though they have been successfully received by their email server. Whilst we have nearly perfect deliverability of our emails, they can get caught in these aggressive filters.
It is more common with business and government email accounts; however, it can also take place when an common email client (like Gmail) does a system update.
To help with the deliverability of these emails, we would recommend your customers whitelist our email domains, see: Not receiving emails from TryBooking
If it is a business email address, then we would recommend they also contact their IT department to request that emails from our domains are marked as allowed in their email system.
Can I resend an Email Buyers to a specific customer
Yes, in the Send Log you will have the option to resend a copy of the initial email sent to a particular customer, if they were included in the original send.
This option is available for those that have the Status of Sent and Bounced.
To resend the email:
- In Email Buyers, to the right of the email, click on the 3 dots
- Select Email Log from the dropdown menu
- Locate the email address that you are wanting to resend to and click on the 3 dots to the right
- Click Resend from the dropdown menu
- Enter in the email address you wish to resend the email to, and click Send Email
Keep in mind, this will send a copy of the original email sent for this booking. Any tags used will have the original recipient's details included
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