With TryBooking, you have control over the dates and times your bookings start and end. You first set these dates and times when adding in your Session Time/s during Create an Event. However, you can edit the booking Start and End dates and times at anything point.
To edit your booking dates:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click your event name
- From the left menu, click Sessions times, under Basic information
- Click Edit next to the session who's booking Start or End date and time you wish to change
- To change when your session will open for booking: Adjust the fields under Booking Start Date and/or Booking Start Time
To change when your session will close for bookings: Adjust the fields under Booking End Time - Click Save
If you created your a group of recurring session by using the Add Multiple Session Times option, you will have the option of editing the booking dates for all session times created in that group in one go. This removes the need for editing each individual Session Time within that group.
To do so:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- Under Manage events overview, click your event name
- From the left menu, click Sessions times, under Basic information
- Click Edit next to the session one of the sessions within that recurring group
- In the Session Details tab, there is text at the top of the page that states: This session was created in a group of recurring sessions. Click here to edit the sessions as a group. Click on the text Click Here
- To change when your session will open for booking: Adjust the fields under Booking Start Date and/or Booking Start Time
To change when your session will close for bookings: Adjust the fields under Booking End Time - Click Save and Closed
If you have added in multiple session times that where created in separate groups, you will need to update one session time from each group for the change to apply to all.
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