In order to set up or edit the bank account listed within your TryBooking account, your TryBooking account must have a balance of $2 or more. This is so the verification process can take place, ensuring that event funds are transferred to the correct bank account.
If you do not have a balance of $2 or more within TryBooking you will receive the following message when clicking on Bank Account, or the Edit button within Bank Account:
Adding in bank details is not required in order to begin selling to your event. Funds raised from your event are held securely within your TryBooking account. They are only transferred to your nominated bank account once you have actioned a transfer request.
Transfer requests can only be actioned by those with Account Owner access.
We recommend that you simply wait until you have sold a ticket to your event before you set up or edit the Bank account in TryBooking.
If it is your preference to have the bank account in place prior to your event opening for bookings, then you will need to purchase a ticket to one of your events (current or past) to gain a balance of $2 or more in your TryBooking account.
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