In addition to selling tickets and taking registrations, TryBooking can be adapted to also sell merchandise items.
There are multiple ways to set up selling merchandise alongside event tickets for entry. The variables of your event will determine how to set this up so that your event capacity is not affected.
For adding merchandise items to an event with allocated seating (eg. performance recordings, programs etc), please see our guide: Selling merchandise alongside a seated event
For adding merchandise items to a general admission style event, please get in contact with our Client Success Team. The setup will be dependent on your existing event setup, they will be able to advise the best method for achieving this.
This article covers:
Setting up a merchandise-only event
Selling merchandise on TryBooking is achieved through the use of Ticket Types for each item you wish to sell. This setup is perfect for uniform orders, fundraising items, raffle tickets, etc.
An example of how this setup looks from the customer's point of view can be viewed via Merchandise Only (Demo)
To begin creating your merchandise event:
- From the Dashboard, click Create an event
- Complete Step 1: Event Details, then click Next: Venue Details
- Select Online event, keeping the Link to online event field empty and Display the link publicly on the event homepage and in the order confirmation fields un-selected
- Should you wish to have the E-Tickets issued alongside the receipt, select Send e-tickets for this event
- In the Capacity field enter the number of items you wish to sell. If there is no restriction on how many items you can sell, set the capacity to 99999
- Click Next: Session Times
- Click Add Sessions
- With Add a single session time select the following fields:
- Session Start Date and Time: The date and time you would like to commence your sales
- Session End Date and Time: The date and time you would like to close your sales
- Booking Start Date and Time: The date and time to be when you would like to commence your sales
Booking End Date and Time: The date and time to be when you would like to close your sales
- Click Next: Create Tickets
- Select Paid, and then Create Ticket to add your first item. Repeat for all items you wish to sell
- Click Next: Add Images
- Complete Step 5: Add Images should you wish to add images to your event at this stage
- Click Create Event, and then Event Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Sessions times, under Basic information
- Click Edit next to the session time listed
- Select Additional Setting tab, and in the field Session Time Label field enter text to replace the date time format, ensuring it reads more appropriately for what you're selling eg. Team Uniform Orders
- Click Save
Collecting sizes for clothing items
Custom Forms allows you to add in a question to collect the clothing size. With the question being asked Per Ticket, it will ask the size for each item selected whilst giving you the option to apply it only those items that require a size to be selected for purchase.
To add in question to collect the size:
- From the Dashboard, under Manage events overview, click on the name of your event
- From the left menu, under Additional Information, select Custom form (data collection)
- Click Add a Custom Question
- Complete all the fields, as per below:
- Question: Size
Answer Type: Select Dropdown, then in the option fields add each size you have available.
If you have a limited number available of each size select Limit the quantity of each option - What will this question apply to: Select Ask per ticket, and then unselect any ticket items that do not require the size being asked for
Mandatory: Enable so they can't select a T-Shirt without providing a size
- Click Save
Other features to consider
Here are some other features that are commonly used for registration events:
- Turn off E-Tickets: The customer will be presented with receipt on purchase. This can be used for proof of purchase if required for collection.
- Terms and Conditions: Provide your own terms and conditions outlining any returns, refunds or exchange policies
- Follow Up Email: Provide your customers with information about how the items will be received/collected
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