By default, on checkout, TryBooking asks the customer on behalf of the event organiser as to whether they would like to Opt In to receiving their promotional marketing:
This article covers:
- How to access customers' permission to contact status
- How to deactivate Permission to Contact field on Checkout
Please note, TryBooking does not send your customers promotional material on your behalf, nor do we market other TryBooking events to your customers.
How To Access Customers' Permission To Contact Status
The Custom Report can be used to see who has opted in to your mailing list.
To generate this data via the Custom Report:
- From the left side menu, click Reports
- Under Commonly Used, select Custom Report (Export Data)
- Click Create New Report
- Complete all the fields
- Report Name: This is what your report will be saved down as within the TryBooking portal. Recommend you enter something that identifies the data you are accessing
- Event Name: Select the event/s you wish to report on
- Session Times: Select All or a particular session time on the event you wish to report on
Booking Date Range: Select All to include All bookings made on the event, or choose an option produce bookings only taken with that range. Custom will allow you to pick a specific date range
- Under Available Columns, in the Field Group Booking Details, you will see Permission to Contact
Click on the plus iconnext to the field to have in included on the report
- Repeat for the other contact fields (eg. Email, Phone etc.) along with any other fields that you wish to be included on this report
- Click Download or Save and Download. A csv. file will be downloaded to your device to provide this data
If they customer has ticked this box on checkout, under Permission to Contact, it will indicate YES next to their booking.
If they have not ticked this box, then under Permission to Contact it will indicate NO next to their booking on this report.
If it states Not Asked under Permission to Contact, then it indicates that the Permission to Contact field at checkout has been turned off. Please see heading How to Deactivate Permission to Contact Field below.
If states NO under Permission to Contact, then you are advised to only send them communications that related to the event that they booked to eg. reminders, what to expect, what to bring, any changes to the program etc. This is true regardless of whether the communication is coming directly via TryBooking or via your own mailing system.
How To Deactivate Permission to Contact Field On Checkout
Should you not wish for TryBooking to ask this question on your behalf, you will have the option to deactivate this field on check out. This is an account setting. Doing so will remove this field from the Checkout Screen on all events set up on the account.
If you deactivate this field:
- This does not update any previous consent that the customer may have given to you via alternative means or from previous purchases to your events
- If they are a new contact (ie. they haven't purchase to a previous event nor are they an existing contact on your mailing list), then they have not been able to provide you with consent to receiving marking or promotional material. Thus, you should only send them communications regarding the event they have booked to. This is true regardless of whether the communication is coming directly via TryBooking or via your own mailing system.
To deactivate the Permission to Contact field at checkout:
- From the Dashboard, under Events, select Global Event Settings
- Under the heading Ask to Send Promotional Emails, click the slider to deactivate
- Click Save
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