Circumstances can change for the buyer and the recipient after a gift certificate has been purchased and/or gifted.
This article covers:
Editing the validity date
To edit the validity date:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Gift certificates then click Find gift certificate
- Enter in either the booking first name, last name or GC code, then click Search
- In the search results table, click on the GC Code
- In the Validity date field select a new date
- Click Save
The Last Name and First Name fields relate to the name of the person who made the booking. If dealing with the reciepiant of the gift certificate, it is easiest to seach by the gift certificate code.
Editing the To and From
To edit the validity date:
- From the left menu, click Dashboard
- From the left menu, click Gift certificates then click Find gift certificate
- Enter in either the booking first name, last name or GC code, then click Search
- In the search results table, click on the GC Code
- Edit the names in the To and/or From fields
- Click Save
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